Counter Surfing.
I’m not going to lie, if your dog is a master surfer, this can be a hard behavior to correct (not impossible though).
Although your dog may not always score some tasty treats, SOMETIMES they do! This is motivation enough to keep looking... Eventually they will strike gold!
Every time your dog repeats or rehearses a behavior the more they will reinforce the behavior and repeat over and over and over.
The ideal way to train your dog not to counter surf is to prevent them from practicing the behavior to begin with. Teaching them not to take food without permission is a great place to start.
Most dogs are already offenders 🤘🏼 Where this may make it a little more challenging to correct the behavior, it can be done!
If your dog is surfing the counter, you need to establish some boundaries. Don’t know how to set those boundaries? Let me help!
Reach out!